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Organice for SharePoint



Organice Document Control System (DCS) is a complete software solution for Engineering Document Control and a 100% native Microsoft SharePoint application. Cadac Organice DCS automates and monitors document publication and transmission and provides powerful solutions for workflow management. The solution is simple to use and quickly accepted by users. It brings transparency to the business process and contributes directly to the operating result of engineering and other project-oriented companies.


Why Engineering Document Control?  One of the critical success factors for your projects is the ability to effectively and efficiently control enormous document flows. Thanks to the Cadac Organice DCS solution, you are able to manage your document flows more efficiently, better meet the needs of your client, and therefore obtain greater margins for your organization.


Engineering Document Control comprises the management and sharing of documents throughout their lifecycle, with a high degree of reliability in terms of security, version management, review cycle, recognizability and availability, and for conducting reliable audits. Cadac Organice DCS supports project-driven organizations with the task of document management, enabling them to maintain control over the publication and tracking of documents, including their status.


Document distribution in SharePoint

SharePoint supports document controllers by allowing simultaneous ad hoc sending of documents to multiple recipients while also providing information to document controllers responsible for keeping track of who receives what.


With Cadac Organice DCS, document controllers have complete control over the internal and external document flows, which helps prevent mistakes, provides better insight, and saves substantial time and money during the review process.


Cadac Organice Introduction


3 minute introduction to SharePoint based Engineering Document Management and Document Control by Cadac Organice

Additional Video's demonstrating Organice functionality and Transmit capabilites are available on request.



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